EduXS aims to provide a comprehensive and reliable overview and insight into digital education standards, services and initiatives across Europe. By sharing our progress, we invite you to explore what’s coming next and to contribute to shaping the platform. On this page you'll find two roadmaps: one for data and the other describes actions regarding the application development.
Data is the backbone of EduXS, and providing it with high-quality data is an ongoing process. We continuously expand and refine our database to ensure accurate and valuable information. Our actions involve:
- Collecting and structuring relevant data
- Verifying accuracy and completeness
- Expanding categories and refining relationships
⏺️ TF-EDU survey on Educational Services provided by NRENs
⏺️ Refining ServiceType and StandardType
⏺️ 1EdTech Standards
▶️ All 65 European University Alliances as organisations.
▶️ Connecting the alliances to the 570 Higher Education Institutions.
▶️ Data from the public mapping report on standards and services used by alliances, by EDEH working group on interoperability.
▶️ All European Commission Directorate Generals
✅ Imported 6,000 institutions from EQAR, displayed only when at least one relationship is established.
✅ Added all National Research and Education Networks.
✅ Business capabilities from Higher Education Reference Model (HERM)
We are gradually enhancing EduXS with new features to improve usability and collaboration. Expect:
- Improved search and filtering options
- Interactive visualisations for interoperability
- Community-driven contributions
⏺️ Commenting on records in the website.
⏺️ Single Sign On in via Edugain - MyAcademicID (?)
▶️ Relationship view 'sticks' when moving cards.
▶️ Filtering only shows relevant list items.
✅ QR code available for sharing live views.
✅ Only show records with status 'Review pending' or 'Reviewed'.
Stay tuned as we roll out updates! Want to share ideas or feedback?
Get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.