Towards EduXS MVP: Demo Iteration 3

On Thursday, 17 October, the demo of the third iteration of the EduXS project 2024 took place. After every four-week iteration, we organise an online demo to present the project’s progress. The project goal 2024 is the development of an MVP, which is scheduled to be delivered by the end of December. Below, you’ll find a short report of the demo.

- Front end EduXS
This demo, the front end utilised data retrieved from the database, and the search functionality was introduced. Visible entities on the screen link to related entities, providing an easy way to navigate information within EduXS. The overview page displays all entities of a specific type.

These views are also possible on a mobile phone: the layout will automatically adjust so that even on a small screen the information is easy to read.

- Data Model
The Conceptual Information Model was already shown in the previous demo. Now the more detailed Logical Data Model is available. It contains information about the object types, attributes, and relations. This is the basis for the Physical Data Model.

- EduGAIN connection
The technical connection is established between EduXS and EduGAIN, based on SRAM. Further functional and organisational setup is needed to make it work.

- Data synchronisation 
The data of EduXS will be maintained in Baserow and needs to be synchronised with the database. In the previous demo the full dataset was synced, this time, only the updated information is synchronised using Baserow’s webhooks. 

Screenshot demo iteration 3

Iteration 4

In the next iteration we will work on:

  • Improve the EduGAIN connection 
  • Creating a visual overview of relations between entities 
  • Developing a compare view to highlight differences between entities 
  • Further development on the data synchronisation 

You’re welcome to join the next demo, this will take place Thursday 14 November at 9 o’clock. Send an email to and we will send you an invitation link.